Research Article
Macroeconomic Currency Crisis Early Warning Indicators in Emerging Countries
Siriki Coulibaly*
Aya Marouane
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
21 March 2024
8 April 2024
10 May 2024
Abstract: This study investigates the relationships between exchange rate and the main macroeconomic variables as GDP, inflation and unemployment on one hand and the ability of these variables in alerting about coming exchange rate crisis in emerging countries. The three variables have significant coefficients with exchange rate in line with literature signs except unemployment rate. The study uses signal approach, dealing specifically with the main macroeconomic variables, selected by system GMM method in emerging markets. The study develops macroeconomic pressure indices from these selected macroeconomic variables using the market pressure index methodology from Early Warning System literature. Based on the macroeconomic variables, a combined macroeconomic pressure index has been built. The results of the non-parametric early warning system indicate that the individual macroeconomic pressure indexes created are good warning tools of a currency crisis. The macroeconomic pressure indexes are better early warning indicators than market pressure index built from international reserves, in emerging countries for four quarters warning period window. Production pressure index appears more accurate followed by inflation but unemployment pressure index is the most sensitive. However, the number of effective indicators and the accuracy of the indexes are not the same for all the countries, changing from a country to another.
Abstract: This study investigates the relationships between exchange rate and the main macroeconomic variables as GDP, inflation and unemployment on one hand and the ability of these variables in alerting about coming exchange rate crisis in emerging countries. The three variables have significant coefficients with exchange rate in line with literature signs...
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Research Article
Occupational Health and Safety in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh: An Enormous Order
Takmina Kamal,
Surina Tarzid*
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
5 May 2024
12 June 2024
3 July 2024
Abstract: Today it’s a matter of concern to ensure the occupational health and safety in the Ready Made Garments (Hereinafter referred to as RMG) sector of Bangladesh. Some accidents such as the Tazrin Fashion Fire and the Rana Plaza collapse draw attention - to the critical situation the workers of Bangladesh are working in, and to what extent they are at risk. It's a matter of regret and shame that, it has been forgotten that the RMG sector not only contributes to our national economy but also emancipates the poor people from poverty and hunger, This sector also highlights our country in front of the world. Textiles and clothing account for earnings a lot in Bangladesh, where most of these come from the apparel sector. This sector has a crucial role in alleviating poverty in Bangladesh. However, rapid growth, as well as the failure of the Bangladesh government to enforce its building and labour regulations, resulted in worker abuse and unsafe for poorly constructed factories. This series has been elucidated to what extent occupational health and safety covered and their impact, also focuses on how the rights of the worker are violated and analysis the duties and responsibilities of the related persons such as occupiers of the factories, Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining Agent, Inspector, buyer and so on. It also focuses the statutory protection to ensure Occupational health and safety. Finally, put some recommendations or ways out to ensure the safe and sound working conditions of the workers of the RMG sector in Bangladesh.
Abstract: Today it’s a matter of concern to ensure the occupational health and safety in the Ready Made Garments (Hereinafter referred to as RMG) sector of Bangladesh. Some accidents such as the Tazrin Fashion Fire and the Rana Plaza collapse draw attention - to the critical situation the workers of Bangladesh are working in, and to what extent they are at r...
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